RainDrop Therapy


"RAINDROP technique is a powerful, non-invasive tool for assisting the body in correcting defects in the curvature of the spine. During the years that it has been practiced, it has resolved numerous cases of scoliosis and kyphosis and eliminated the need for back surgery for thousands of people. Raindrop Technique originated in the 1980s from the research of Dr. Gary Young working with a Lakota medicine man named Wallace Black Elk. It integrates Vitaflex and massage, utilizing the power of essential oils in bringing the body into structural and electrical alignment." (from the Essential Oils Desk Reference)

Raindrop Technique uses a sequence of essential oils that are immune enhancing, support the body's natural defenses, as well as the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous, and other body systems. These oils, which are high in antioxidants, are also mood elevating and antiseptic, creating an unfavorable environment for harmful viruses and baceria that can hibernate in the body. Essential oils are known to boost stamina and energy, help you relax, help manage stress and frustration and promote overall health, vitality,

The oils are dispensed in little drops from a height of about six inches above the back, which is where Raindrop Technique gets its name. They are then massaged along the spine and back muscles. They are also applied to the feet.

The whole process  may continue to work in the body for up to one week following a Raindrop Session, with possible realignment and bodily adjustment taking place during this time.

"Raindrop Technique is not a cure-all or a magic bullet. A healthy balanced body is the result of a well-rounded program of exercise and proper diet. Health is everything we do, say, hear, see, and eat. The Raindrop Technique is only one tool to help restore balance in the body that will result in good health." (from the Essential Oils Desk Reference")

and longevity. 



Aromatherapy can be useful in so many ways. Essential oils have been used dating back to Biblical times for aromatherapy as well as for medicinal purposes. At Harmony Day Spa  we incorporate essential oils into our services as well as infusing the scents throughout the spa rooms for both your relaxation and wellness. We are proud to offer the Raindrop Technique. This session helps to relieve stress, balance the well being of the body, mind and soul. Young Living Oils are dispersed in a raindrop fashion along the back. The benefits of aromatherapy as well as steamed towel compresses and a unique back rub help to assist the penetration of these amazing oils. The benefits may be felt for several days. You owe it to yourself to experience this very beneficial and unique wellness service.  Click on the Raindrop Technique on our menu section to learn more about this service.


Young Living Oils feature the finest essential oils in the world. Made with carefully harvested plants , these oils are the key to healthy living. The link below feature some of our favorite oils and blends, but be sure to learn what you can from the Young Living site about how beneficial essential oils can be for you, your home, your children as well as pets.


Essential oils can be worn for relaxation, manage discomfort or pain in the body, including headaches, sinus challenges, digestive issues and more. Some oils may be ingested ( be sure to educate yourself on which ones through the information provided for each oil) for weight control, detoxification and to flavor foods  and a healthy alternative to flavored water without chemicals or dyes.


Blends of oils can be used to clean and disinfect your home, diffuse in the home to purify the air as well as calm the senses for relaxation and stress management.


Have a favorite scent or would you like to start using essential oils for your wellness at home? Click on the link below to purchase your favorite oils or other products available through Young Living and enjoy shopping from the comfort of  your home and shipping is available right to your door!


We stock a variety of oils at i massage, however you have the option of purchasing the oils as a customer of Young Living by becoming a member of Young Living through the link below . Members of Young Living receive special offers periodically and can enjoy up to a 24% savings on all Young Living products.  


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